Latin prayer

Sunday December 23, 2018

Sunday December 23, 2018 Calendar-:   Fourth Sunday of Advent Year C Colour of Vestment:  Purple Saint of the day-:  "SAINT JOHN OF KANTY, Priest". FIRST READING Taken from-:   “From you shall come forth one who is to be ruler in Israel.” A reading from the Book of the Prophet Micah (Micah 5 :2-5a) Thus says the LORD!  You, O Bethlehem  Ephrathah,  who are little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from ancient days. Therefore he shall give them up until the time when she who has labour pains has brought forth; then the rest of his brethren shall return to the sons of Israel. And he shall stand and feed his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they shall dwell secure, for now he shall be great to the ends of the earth. And this shall be peace. The word of the Lord. RESPONSORIAL PSALM   Gotten from-:   "

Catholic teachings of the faith

*The 7 Sacraments (The Holy Mysteries):*
1. Baptism
2. Confirmation (Chrismation)
3. Eucharist
4. Penance (Confession, Reconciliation)
5. Matrimony
6. Holy Orders
7. Extreme Unction (Annointing of the Sick

*The 7 Corporal Works of Mercy:*
1. To feed the hungry
2. To give drink to the thirsty
3. To clothe the naked
4. To shelter the homeless
5. To visit the sick
6. To visit the imprisoned
7. To bury the dead

*The 7 Spiritual Works of Mercy:*
1. To counsel the doubtful
2. To instruct the ignorant
3. To admonish the sinner
4. To comfort the sorrowful
5. To forgive all injuries
6. To bear wrongs patiently
7. To pray for the living and the dead

*The 3 Eminent Good Works:*
1. Prayer
2. Fasting
3. Almsgiving

*The 7 Gifts of the Holy Ghost:*
1. Wisdom
2. Understanding
3. Counsel
4. Fortitude
5. Knowledge
6. Piety
7. Fear of the Lord

*Class of Gifts of the Holy Ghost known as Charismata:*
1. Gift of speaking with wisdom
2. Gift of speaking with knowledge
3. Faith
4. Grace of healing
5. Gift of miracles
6. Gift of prophecy
7. Gift of discerning spirits
8. Gift of tongues
9. Gift of interpreting speeches

*The 12 Fruits of the Holy Ghost:*
1. Charity
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Benignity
6. Goodness
7. Longanimity
8. Mildness
9. Faith
10. Modesty
11. Continency
12. Chastity

*The 3 Theological Virtues:*
1. Faith
2. Hope
3. Charity

*The 4 Cardinal Virtues:*
1. Prudence
2. Justice
3. Fortitude
4. Temperance

*The 7 Capital Sins:*
1. Pride
2. Greed
3. Lust
4. Anger
5. Gluttony
6. Envy
7. Sloth

*The 6 Sins against the Holy Ghost:*
1. Presumption
2. Despair
3. Resisting the known truth
4. Envy of another’s spiritual good
5. Obstinacy in sin
6. Final impenitence

*The 4 Sins that Cry Out to Heaven:*
1. Willful murder
2. The sin of Sodom
3. Oppression of the poor
4. Defrauding laborers of their wages

*Conditions for Mortal Sin:*
1. Grave matter
2. Full knowledge
3. Deliberate consent

*The 9 Ways We Participate in Others' Sins:*
1. By counsel
2. By command
3. By consent
4. By provocation
5. By praise or flattery
6. By concealment
7. By partaking
8. By silence
9. By defense of the ill done

*The 10 Commandments:*
1. Thou shalt not have other gods besides Me
2. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain
3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day
4. Honor thy father and thy mother
5. Thou shalt not murder
6. Thou shalt not commit adultery
7. Thou shalt not steal
8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor
9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods

*The 2 Greatest Commandments:*
1. To love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, mind and strength.
2. To love thy neighbor as thyself.

*The 3 Evangelical Counsels:*
1. Voluntary poverty
2. Perpetual chastity
3. Entire obedience.

*The 6 Precepts of the Church (The Duties of a Catholic):*
1.To go to Mass and refrain from servile work on Sundays and holy days
2. To go to Confession at least once a year (traditionally done during Lent)
3. To receive the Eucharist at least once a year, during the Easter Season (known as the "Easter duty")
4. To observe the days of fasting and abstinence
5. To help to provide for the needs of the Church according to one's abilities and station in life
6. To obey the marriage laws of the Church

*The 3 Powers of the Soul:*
1. Memory
2. Intellect
3. Will

*The 4 Pillars of the Catholic Faith:*
1. The Apostles Creed
2. The Seven Sacraments
3. The Ten Commandments
4. The Lord's Prayer

*The 3 Pillars of the Church's Authority:*
1. Sacred Scripture
2. Sacred Tradition
3. Living Magisterium

*The 3 Munera (Duties of the Ordained):*
1. Munus docendi (duty to teach, based on Christ's role as Prophet)
2. Munus sanctificandi (duty to sanctify, based on Chris's role as Priest)
3. Munus regendi (duty to shepherd, based on Christ's role as King)

*The 3 Parts of the Church:*
1. The Church Militant (Christians on Earth)
2. The Church Suffering (Christians in Purgatory)
3. The Church Triumphant (Christians in Heaven)

*The 4 Marks of the Church:*
1. Unity
2. Sanctity
3. Catholicity
4. Apostolicity

*The 12 Tribes of Israel
In order of their birth:*
1. Reuben
2. Simeon
3. Levi
4. Judah
6. Issachar
7. Dan
8. Gad
9. Asher
10. Naphtali
11. Joseph (Menasseh and Ephraim)
12. Benjamin

*The 8 Beatitudes:*
1. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
2. Blessed are the meek: for they shall posses the land.
3. Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall be comforted
4. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill
5. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy
6. Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God
7. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God
8. Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven

*The 14 Stations of the Cross:*
1. Jesus is Condemned to Die
2. Jesus is Made to Bear His Cross
3. Jesus Falls the First Time
4. Jesus Meets His Mother
5. Simon Helps Jesus Carry His Cross
6. Veronica Wipes Jesus' Face
7. Jesus Falls the Second Time
8. Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem
9. Jesus Falls the Third Time
10. Jesus is Stripped
11. Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
12. Jesus Dies on the Cross
13. Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross
14. Jesus is Laid in the Tomb

*The 20 Mysteries of the Holy Rosary & When They are Prayed:*

1. Annunciation
2. Visitation
3. Nativity
4. Presentation
5. Finding Jesus in the Temple

1. Agony in the Garden
2. The Scourging
3. Crowning with thorns
4. Carrying of the Cross
5. Crucifixion
                                                      *Luminous:*                                      1. Baptism of Jesus.
2. Manifestation of Jesus at the wedding feast of Cana.
3. Proclamation of the kingdom of God.
4. The Transfiguration.
5. The institution of the Holy Eucharist 

1. Resurrection
2. Ascension
3. Pentecost
4. Assumption
5. Crowning of Mary

Mondays: Joyful
Tuesdays: Sorrowful
Wednesdays: Glorious
Thursdays: Joyful
Fridays: Sorrowful
Saturdays: Glorious
Sundays in Advent

*Christmastide & Epiphany:*
Joyful Sundays in Eastertide & Time After Pentecost: Glorious
All of Septuagesima & Lent: Sorrowful

*The 9 Choirs of Angels
In ascending order:*
1. Angels
2. Archangels
3. Principalities
4. Powers
5. Virtues
6. Dominions
7. Thrones
8. Cherubim
9. Seraphim

*The 3 Levels of Reverence:*
1. Dulia: the reverence we give to Saints
2. Hyperdulia: the reverence we give to Mary as the greatest of Saints and Mother of God
3. Latria: the reverence and worship we give to God alone

*The 14 Holy Helpers:*
1. St. George, Martyr, April 23
2. St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, February 3
3. St. Pantaleon, Martyr, July 27
4. St. Vitus, Martyr, June 15
5. St. Erasmus (Elmo), Bishop and Martyr, June 2
6. St. Christopher, Martyr, July 25
7. St. Giles, Abbot, September 1
8. St. Cyriacus (Cyriac), Martyr, August 8
9. St. Achatius, Martyr, May 8
10. St. Dionysius (Denis), Bishop and Martyr, October 9
11. St. Eustachius (Eustace), Martyr, September 20
12. St. Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr, November 25
13. St. Margaret of Antioch, Virgin and Martyr, July 20
14. St. Barbara, Virgin and Martyr, December 4

*The 7 Last Words of Christ:*
1. Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34)
2. Amen I say to thee: This day thou shalt be with me in paradise.  (Luke 23:43)
3. Woman, behold thy son. . . .Behold thy mother. (John 19:26-27)
4. Eli, Eli, lamma sabacthani? (My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?) (Matthew 27:46, ref. Psalm 21)
5. I thirst. (John 19:28)
6. It is consummated.(John 19:30)
7. Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit. (Luke 23:46, ref. Psalm 30:6)

*The 4 Last Things (The Novissima):*
1. Death
2. Judgement
3. Heaven
4. Hell
